- 课外活动指数:行识国际学生在接受行识国际服务后,他们课外活动指数(最高11分),在十一年级申请前,平均分数为7.5分,平均涨幅为6.5分,历史最高值为10.5分,最低值为4分(一例)
- 注:行识国际独有将近五百多名学生的进入不同等级名校的全部数据,我们通过自己的算法,开发了课外活动指数。此指数用于衡量学生是否符合目标学校课外活动预期,并相对评估学生课外活动部分的竞争力。
- 语言能力指数:行识国际学生在接受行识国际服务后,他们语言能力指数(最高5分),在十一年级申请前,平均涨幅为2分,历史最高值为4.9分,最低值为2分(一例)
- 注:行识国际深刻理解语言能力不只是考试能力,我们开发了语言能力评估指数,衡量英语语言文学能力。此指数是为美国本土学生水平开发,所有国际学生也都和本土学生进行同等评估。
- 学术分数:
- 行识国际学生在接受行识国际服务后,他们的GPA(学校平均分,美国一般课程4分最高,AP课程5分最高)平均增长1.375分,最高涨幅为2.3分。这纪要归功于学生们的努力,同时很多学生也很感谢行识国际课程规划的有效和个人适合性。
- 行识国际学生在接受行识国际服务后,他们的SAT成绩(满分1600分)平均增长178分,最高涨幅为306分。
- 领导力能力:行识国际学生的领导力能力,特别是社交智力,领导力技巧,勇气,好奇心,指引性愿景和激情等方面的综合评价,都取得了长足进步。领导力导师对学生的评估,从很多学生的接近于无(0分),平均增长了2.5分(4分满分)。
- 自我激励习惯:行识国际学生的自我激励能力,特别是情绪控制,坚毅,乐观态度,激情,和正直等方面的综合评价,都取得了长足进步。心里激励导师对学生的评估,从非常幼稚和缺乏动力(0分),平均增长了约3分(4分满分)。
- 职业发展:通过行识国际的帮助和咨询,我们的所有学生都有了明确的未来发展方向,74.6%左右的行识国际大学/研究生毕业学生都在行识国际的帮助下开始了实习或者正式工作,并一直和我们保持联系,听取我们对他们职业生涯的指导意见。
BEEC has proven to be absolutely invaluable throughout my entire college application process. My mentor always devotes all of his attention to the task at hand, whether it's compiling a college list, brainstorming for essay topics, or preparing for interviews. Furthermore, the team truly understands the decision making process of admissions committees, and showed me how to present my best personal qualities through my supplemental essays. After drafting my essays, the highly experienced team of editors helped me to polish and perfect them. With the company’s brilliant guidance and advice, I managed to form a refined, cohesive application that got me admitted into several top-20 universities. I would not hesitate to recommend BEEC to anyone applying to college.
-- Y.L., a student admitted to Washington University in St. Louis, Vanderbilt and Georgia Tech
My BEEC mentor’s conversational ability was especially impressive and the whole company was so helpful throughout my application preparation. Instead of teaching me how to write my essay, my consultant extracted information about me through easygoing conversation and taught me how to hone my voice and express my favorable personality traits, and seemed to know me better than I knew myself at times. My team’s interpersonal knowledge shone throughout the whole process and made their advice not only valuable, but also immensely insightful and uniquely effective.
-- J.L., a student admitted to University of Chicago, Duke, UC Berkeley and more
BEEC is such a professional company!!! It's my great honor and pleasure to be tutored by BEEC. They're so responsible and reliable!!! I feel so lucky to have them as my tutor. School applications will be well reviewed and submitted. They will take care of all kind of forms as well. If you are planning for applications, BEEC is definitely a reliable and wonderful choice for you!!! Best company ever!
-- V.M., a student review on Yelp
Such a professional company. I heard one of my classmates saying his counseling company screwed up his essays. Yet this never happened to me because the teachers in BEEC were responsible. Ten schools' (counting all the UCs as one) applications were reviewed and submitted through BEEC. They both help you on editing essays and filling in all kinds of forms. Fortunately, until now, I'm admitted by two schools and am still waiting for other notifications. That's all. Above all, I promise BEEC would be a eligible choice for those looking for a college counselor.
--R.C., a Chinese student review on Yelp
BEEC的导师服务真的是我的救星。到了美国我们一头雾水,搞不清楚美国教育系统。这个导师服务不仅给了孩子教育和课外活动规划,还让孩子清楚了个人目标。BEEC的导师特别负责,和孩子的交流让孩子有了信心和动力,还增长了知识。英文水平大幅增长,SAT也考得很好。这个服务里的领导力和心理激励导师更是让我的孩子变了一个人,成熟了,坚强了,竟然成为了他们学校的一个学生领导。我真的很幸运给孩子找到了这么好和负责任的团队。他们这个服务里面简直是 把所有我们需要的从语言, 学习到个人成长,甚至升学考试都做好了。而且是让最有经验的高端团队帮我们,孩子从没想过去了这么好的大学,我们也从没想过孩子能这样全面成长,美国是来值了。
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